Save the date!
Our Senate District 50 DFL
Convention will be held on April 20, 2024
Where: Edina Community Center - Gymnasium, 5701 Normandale Rd, Edina MN 55424
Parking: It is recommended to park in the GOLD Lot off of Normandale Road. Door 8 is fully accessible and is the preferred location to enter. Door 7 is also available. Click here for a site map.
When: Saturday, April 20, 2024
Time: Registration opens at 9:00 a.m.; Convention convenes at 10:00 a.m.
Food and beverage: The Arrangements Committee will have a variety of snacks for sale at the convention. Please bring a reusable water bottle if you wish, as they will not be selling individual plastic bottles of water.
Convention fee: Not required, but a suggested donation of $40/delegate is appreciated. This goes to offset the cost of the convention. Donate here.
Convention documents will be printed and provided to delegates. You can view advance copies at the buttons below.
What happens at Convention?
Ratification of precinct leaders who were elected at caucus. Current precinct leaders’ terms expire and newly-elected precinct leader’s two-year terms begin at the adjournment of convention.
Election of table officers and directors. All current officers’ and directors’ terms expire, and newly-elected officers’ and directors’ two-year terms begin at the adjournment of convention.
Election of State Central Committee members and alternates
Election of Delegates and Alternates to the State (and Congressional District 3 and Congressional District 5) Conventions: 21 Delegates elected from CD3, and 3 Delegates elected from CD5.
Adoption of 2024-2026 Constitution and Bylaws
Consideration of Endorsement for 2024 State House candidates
Consideration of Resolutions to be presented at 2024 State Convention
What else might you find at convention?
Campaigns, Organizations, and Issue Advocacy groups will have tables at the convention - they’ll want to hear from you and earn your support. You’ll also have time to talk with your neighbors as you sit in precinct delegations.
Want to be a voting delegate at our convention? Delegates were elected at the February 27 Precinct Caucuses. The Challenge Process is outlined in the DFL Call. More information about Challenges can be found at this link.
Looking to run to be a delegate to the Congressional District Conventions? Delegates to the Senate District Convention on April 20 will have an opportunity to run to be a Congressional District delegate.