Nominations are open!

Nominations are open! Step up to a role in the new DFL Senate District 50 (SD50)! 

Because of redistricting, new Officers, Directors, and State Central Committee (SCC) Representatives and Alternates will be elected next month.

At SD50 DFL's April 9, 2022 Convention, Delegates will elect DFLers to these positions:

  • A Chair and Vice-Chairs who ensure that meetings happen and that we get the business of the party done.

  • A Secretary who keeps minutes and records.

  • A Treasurer to manage funds and record financial transactions.

  • An Outreach and Inclusion Officer to reach out to new communities and build relationships.

  • A Communications Officer to handle the development and execution of communications.

  • Directors to help get DFL candidates elected and serve as vital advocates for important issues.

  • State Central Committee (SCC) representatives and alternates to attend meetings and to conduct party business.

Simply fill out the Nominations Application. You will find detailed descriptions for all these positions at the bottom of the Application form.  Submit your application early to reserve your preferred interview date and time. You will be emailed a confirmation with your interview Zoom Link.

We’re a friendly group!  We encourage you and others to interview for these opportunities to participate in leadership roles with SD50 DFL!

Together, we will build the new DFL SD50 Leadership Team.