CD3 DFL Nominations (2025)

An announcement from the CD3 DFL Nominations Committee:

Dear Congressional District 3 DFL Members,


 We invite you to step up to a role in DFL’s Congressional District 3. We have many positions available.  We will elect Officers, Directors, and a State Nominations (non-male) Committee Member.

 We need to elect a chair, 1st vice chair and 2nd vice chair to ensure that meetings happen and that we get the business of the party done. We need a secretary who keeps minutes and records.  We need a treasurer to manage funds and record financial transactions. We need an outreach and inclusion officer to reach out to new communities and build relationships. We need directors to help get DFL candidates elected and serve as vital advocates for important issues.

 We must also elect a State Nominations (non-male) representative who will attend an organization meeting on March 20th (time and place to be announced) and candidate screening meetings to be determined by the Nominations Committee.

 The CD3 2025 convention is on Sunday, March 16 at the Brookdale Library (6125 Shingle Creek Parkway, Suite 800, Brooklyn Center, MN 55430). Convention registration starts at 12:30P and gavel down at 2:30P.  If you're able to help with the CD3 Convention Arrangements (set up & clean up) contact Cheryl Poling ( or with Credentials contact Kyle Tonn ( 

We’re a friendly group! We encourage you and others to consider applying for the position that appeals to you. You may read descriptions of the positions and fill out a Candidate Application at  Submit your application early to reserve your space.  Interviews will be via Zoom.  You will be emailed a confirmation with a Zoom Link.

 Interview dates:

Mon, March 10  6:45P-8:45P

Wed, March 12  6:45P-8:45P

 CD3 DFL has so much important and exciting work in the days ahead and we can't wait for all of us to get started!  Together we can build CD3’s Leadership Team.

 If you have any questions or need further clarification, please feel free to contact us.


Peter Hill and Kate Peer or

CD3 Nominations Conveners

Senate District 50 DFL