August 2024 Newsletter
August 2024 SD50 Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party Newsletter
You’re invited!
Our main outreach event of the year, our annual picnic, is coming up on August 10 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. RAIN OR SHINE!
Please join us for a classic picnic lunch, engaging DFL speakers, and an opportunity to meet some of our endorsed candidates and get involved in their campaigns. Find all the information you need on our website. New to the DFL? This picnic is for you! We can't wait to see you there.
Together, we can WIN THIS!
What a WILD week in politics! While the Democratic National Convention has not yet officially kicked off - DFLers across Minnesota are FIRED UP and ready to elect Vice President Kamala Harris as our next President of the United States! The energy door knocking this past week has been incredible - voters are excited about the vision Kamala Harris has for our future.
Kamala Harris is running for President of the United States to continue protecting our freedoms, delivering justice, and expanding opportunity so that every American can not just get by, but get ahead.
We are fortunate to have a DFL Coordinated Campaign field office in Bloomington (near 90th and Penn Avenue) where phone banks, door knock launches, and other campaign activity will take place from now until the polls close on November 5th. Follow our Facebook page for the most up to date information about opportunities to get involved this election season.
Of course, we encourage all DFLers to get involved with our locally endorsed candidates. They have many opportunities to volunteer - hosting a yard sign, writing a letter to the editor of the local paper, door knocking, and more. Every voter counts!
Edina 4th of July Parade - Recap!
We had a great time at the Edina 4th of July parade. SD50 teamed up with our neighbors in Senate District 46, and we were joined by Rep. Cheryl Youakim, and our own endorsed candidates Rep. Steve Elkins and Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (MN05). Both Dr. Kelly Morrison (MN03) and Julie Greene (MN House District 50A) had a parade spot - DFLers were well represented! Thank you to all volunteers who came out to march with us.
A collage of images from the 2024 Edina parade. Top left: post-parade with Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, Rep. Youakim, Rep. Elkins, and Julie Greene. Top right: Rep. Elkins, Julie Greene, and Dr. Kelly Morrison. Bottom right: Dr. Kelly Morrison for Congress group. Bottom left: Julie Greene for MN House 50A group.
Candidate Fundraiser - Thank you!
We want to offer a special thank you to the SD50 volunteers who helped make our June candidate fundraiser a success. We were able to provide meaningful support to our endorsed candidates due to the outpouring of community support - if you gave $5 or $500, thank you for your generosity this election season!
A photo from the SD50 Candidate fundraiser. From left: Julie Greene, Secretary of State Steve Simon, Dr. Kelly Morrison, Rep. Steve Elkins, Rep. Nathan Coulter, and State Senator Dr. Alice Mann.
Join us for a Central Committee Meeting!
Our Central Committee meets once a month and we’d love to have you join us. Our meetings are open to all DFLers; voting members include our SD50 Executive Officers, Central Committee, and Precinct leaders. Our number one job is to ELECT DEMOCRATS! and everything we do is with that goal in mind. We’d love to have you!
Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 28th in Edina - if you’d like to receive official notice, send an email to
Coming soon!
NOW! Early voting is happening now for the August Primary election. Vote Ilhan Omar (MN05) and Amy Klobuchar (U.S. Senate)!
NOW! Get involved with Congresswoman Ilhan Omar's campaign through the August primary. She's our endorsed candidate and we have her back! Click the LINK for opportunities.
August 10: Our SD50 DFL Annual Picnic at Rosland Park in Edina
August 13: Primary Election Day
September 20: Early voting begins for the November Election
September 22: Visit your local DFL at Bloomington Pride!
October 5: Save the date, the annual GOTV Chili Cookoff and door knock!
November 5: Election Day, find your polling place at
That wraps up this edition of our e-newsletter! Keep in touch with your local DFL:
With gratitude, your donation helps support our work.
Vote Blue!
Anita Smithson (she/her)
SD50 DFL Communications Officer