Election 2024: Constitutional Amendments

Election 2024: Constitutional Amendments

Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund Renewal

Voters, did you know we have a constitutional amendment on our ballots state-wide this November? We have the opportunity to decide if we want to re-dedicate our state to funding our great outdoors through our MN Lottery, which we have been doing for over 30 years.

While the DFL has not officially taken action on this amendment, we want to help prepare voters this election cycle, so we encourage everyone to read up on the issue so they are prepared when they complete their ballot.

The question:

Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund Renewal

Shall the Minnesota Constitution be amended to protect drinking water sources and the water quality of lakes, rivers, and streams; conserve wildlife habitat and natural areas; improve air quality; and expand access to parks and trails by extending the transfer of proceeds from the state-operated lottery to the environment and natural resources trust fund, and to dedicate the proceeds for these purposes?



Failure to vote on a constitutional amendment has the same effect as voting no on the amendment.

Want to read about it from an advocacy perspective? Check out this link. Personally, as a voter who cares deeply about climate change, conservation, and our natural environment - I will be voting YES on this amendment.

This fund, in place for over 30 years, dedicates funding from the Minnesota Lottery to our great outdoors. We have an amazing opportunity to extend this fund for another 25 years. It won't cost you anything additional through your state or local taxes. The Minnesota Lottery funds the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF) which has grown to provide $80 million per year in projects. These projects are "for the public purpose of protection, conservation, preservation, and enhancement of the state's air, water, land, fish, wildlife, and other natural resources."

Reintroducing Bison in Dakota County? This is being done with ENRTF funds.

Creating public access along the Mississippi River in North and Northeast Minneapolis? ENRTF funds is making this possible.

Loon Conservation Efforts? Thank you, ENRTF!

Voters, please join me voting YES for the Constitutional Amendment on your ballot this fall.

- Anita Smithson

Anita Smithson