CD3 DFL Leadership - Nominations are open!
SD50 DFL Leadership received information on Friday, April 26th regarding the CD3 Nominations process. NOTE: Please act quickly, as all of the work of the committee will take place over this upcoming week, in advance of the CD3 DFL Convention on May 4.
A message from the CD3 Nominations Committee:
Hello fellow CD3 DFLers!
The CD3 DFL Nominations Committee has shared the following information with opportunities for you to get involved with the CD3 DFL! As you may know, our convention is coming up very shortly, and there are a number of positions available for you to get involved with CD3.
Sign up to run for a CD3 DFL director or committee position, CD3's presidential elector, or run to be a national delegate.
!!! There are two steps you must complete !!!
Completion of an interest form
Scheduling an interview
*If you have already submitted an interest form, please only schedule an interview.
STEP ONE: To begin, please complete the following forms for the positions you are interested in. You may run for multiple positions.
To run for a CD3 DFL-specific position, please complete the following form (1) and then schedule an interview time (2). Please note that both steps are required.
Interest form in being a CD3 Director Please complete this form if you intend to run for a CD3 leadership position.
To run for one of several state committee spots that the CD3 DFL is allotted, please complete the following form (1) and then schedule an interview time (2). Please note that both steps are required.
Interest form in being a DFL committee member for the various committees CD3 is allotted seats.
To file to run for national delegate or presidential elector, please complete the following forms for the respective position. Please then schedule an interview time below (2).
Run to be CD3's Presidential Elector. Our elector goes to St Paul in December as a delegate to the Electoral College and signs the official ballot to officially elect the president of the United States.
Run to be a delegate to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago August 19-22, 2024. The National Delegate position requires your presence in Chicago and all travel and expenses are your responsibility.
STEP TWO: You must schedule an interview time for the position or positions you wish to hold. You only need to schedule one interview regardless of the number of positions you are seeking.
Schedule a time to interview (REQUIRED) Please select a time that works for you.