CD5 DFL Leadership - Nominations!
Due to time constraints interviews cannot be guaranteed for forms submitted after Sunday May 5th. Please submit your form early and assure yourself a screening interview.
Here are abbreviated descriptions of each position. For more thorough descriptions please see the CD5 and the State Constitutions which you can read by clicking the buttons below.
CD5 Leadership
(2-year term, 2024-26): Under the proposed convention rules CD5 Chair, Vice Chair, Outreach positions, Secretary, Treasurer and Communications Officer require screening with the Nominations Committee. Nominations from the convention floor from individuals who have not screened with Nominations will be ruled out of order.
· Chair: Chief executive officer of CD5. Convenes regular meetings. Represents CD5 on the DFL State Executive Committee.
· Vice Chair: Aids the Chair as needed and fulfills duties of Chair in their absence. Represents CD5 on the State Executive Committee.
· Outreach & Inclusion Officer*: Promotes increased access and participation of traditionally and currently underrepresented communities.
· Deputy Outreach & Inclusion Officer*: Assists the Outreach & Inclusion Officer, leads special O&I projects, and fulfills the duties of the O&I Officer when needed.
· Secretary: Keeps meeting minutes and other records of the organization and coordinates with the Communications Officer on internal communications.
· Treasurer: Manages party funds and accounts and files all required campaign finance reports.
· Communications Officer: Manages communications, including social media, website, and press releases. Coordinates with the Secretary on internal communications.
· CD5 Director: Lead projects, serve on committees, and fulfill other duties or roles as needed. (12 to 19 positions, no more than two per Senate District)
* (Pending title change from Affirmative Action Officer)
State Convention Committees
(terms end at the State Convention, May 31-June 1, 2024):
· Rules Committee: Proposes an agenda and changes to the temporary rules for the State Convention. (2 delegates, 2 alternates)
· Credentials Committee: Prepares temporary roll of the convention, hears and reports on delegate and alternate challenges, and supervises delegate registration. (2 delegates, 2 alternates)
Presidential Elector: Cast electoral votes for Minnesota at the State Capital on Dec. 16, 2024. (1 elector, 1 alternate)
State DFL Positions & Standing Committees
(2-year term, 2024-26):
· State Director: Serves on the DFL State Executive Committee, CD5 Exec, and certain local executive committees where you reside. (2 positions)
· State Central Committee: Serves on the DFL State Central Committee, CD5 CC, and certain local central committees where you reside. (7 positions)
· Outreach & Inclusion Committee: Action, review, and compliance committee for affirmative action, outreach, and inclusion programs and delegate selection. (2 positions)
· Constitution, Bylaws, & Rules Committee: Periodically review and recommend changes to governing documents including the Constitution, Bylaws, and the Official Call. Issues or recommends settlements and remedies of challenges and interprets party documents. (2 positions)
· Platform & Issues Committee: Develops criteria and procedures for the process of resolutions from the caucuses to the convention, and other responsibilities pertaining to the ongoing platform and action agenda. (2 positions)
· Party Affairs & Coordinated Campaign Committee: Facilitate close coordination between the state office, local units, and others for party activities, trainings, and campaign activities. (2 positions)
· Nominations & Search Committee: Screen and nominate candidates for positions elected at the State Convention and State Central Committee, and develop best practices for nominations committees at all levels. (4 positions)
· Budget Committee: Proposes a yearly state budget to the State Central Committee and monitor that approved budget. (1 position; must be State Central Committee or CD5 Treasurer)
Why wait? Get involved now and help build the DFL in 2024 and beyond! Please submit by Sunday, May 5.
Cheryl Scott & Dave Lee
Co-Chairs, CD5 Nominations Committee
CLICK HERE for an application.