June 2023 Newsletter
June 2023 SD50 DFL Newsletter
Senate District 50 Pizza and Game Night image
Please join us for our first fundraiser of the year! Your support helps ensure we can accomplish our community and voter outreach programs this year and beyond.
When: Saturday, June 3, 2023, from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Where: 6400 York Av. S., Edina in the Party Room
RSVP: Get your tickets in advance at this link, or pay at the door! $25 adults, and youth are free. Additional donations are accepted with gratitude.
We will have fun for all ages, and even some door prizes. Join us for a fun Saturday evening before your summer activities are in full swing. You can find more info on our website.
A progress pride flag against a blue sky
Happy Pride!
While LGBTQIA+ people have always existed and will continue to exist - the fight for equal rights is as urgent now as it has ever been. While the Minnesota legislature made incredible progress during the legislative session, securing rights and expanding freedom for LGBTQIA+ people, there is a contrast across America as we see the LGBTQIA+ community, especially our trans neighbors, fighting for their lives and their truth in many states. We must all stand up against hatred, homophobia, transphobia, and bigotry. Interested in learning more about the LGBTQIA+ caucus of the Minnesota DFL? Check out the Stonewall DFL caucus at their website.
I also want to take a moment to reflect on the historic work accomplished this legislative session. Because of all our hard work supporting candidates and talking to voters, we elected a DFL trifecta in the Minnesota House, Senate, and the Governor’s office. Our DFL trifecta was able to accomplish an incredible agenda, expanding our freedoms and our democracy. There are some incredible lists showcasing all the work that has been accomplished, including this Twitter thread from the Minnesota House DFL Majority, and this outstanding video from the Minnesota DFL.
Thank you to our legislators, Senator Mann, Representative Edelson, and Representative Elkins for their tireless work and advocacy on behalf of our families and community.
Coming soon!
June 19: Please head out to support the Juneteenth events in both Bloomington and Edina. While these are not DFL-sponsored activities, we encourage everyone to join their community in recognition and celebration of Juneteenth.
June 28: Our SD50 DFL Central Committee meeting will be in person! Email Chair@SD50DFL.org to be included in the official meeting notice.
July 4: March with us and Dean Phillips for Congress in the Edina 4th of July Parade. Everyone’s Invited! Sign up on the Phillips for Congress website to get all the information on how to join us at the parade.
August 12: RAIN OR SHINE! Join us for our annual summer picnic at Bush Lake Park Shelter #2 in Bloomington. We’ll have picnic food, community building, and fun. Sign up to volunteer, or make your advance donation on our website.
There are no “off years” in politics! While many of the odd-year elections are non-partisan, the Minnesota DFL has a process in place to issue DFL Letters of Support to candidates who share our DFL values. The DFL Letter of Support affirms that a candidate for a non-partisan elected office is a member in good standing with the DFL and is granted the option to purchase a VAN (Voter Activation Network) account from the DFL for use by the candidate’s campaign committee. The Letter of Support is not a DFL endorsement, and multiple candidates for an elected office may be issued Letters of Support. If you’re running for election and would like to seek a Letter of Support, please find more information on our website.
All members of the DFL are encouraged to get involved during these important odd-year elections - politics at the local level are incredibly impactful and your participation makes a difference. I hope to see you on the doors this summer and fall advocating for our values.
That’s it for now! Stay up to date at www.SD50DFL.org
Until then, Your donation helps support our work.
Vote Blue!
Anita Smithson (she/her)
SD50 DFL Communications Officer